Bay Area, California

A diverse community reflecting the spectrum of human expression. --- My hope with this page is to share knowledge, language, and resources surrounding the LGBTQ+ community and their issues, to both members and non-members alike.
Alphabet Soup - The Diverse Spectrum of the Queer Community
Language is a tool to help illustrate the diversity of humanity in all its entirety. It is a never-ending, fluid endeavor, especially when it comes to affectional + sexual orientation, as no word or phrase could ever truly capture the essence of the human condition.
L - Lesbian
G - Gay
B - Bisexual
T - Transgender
N - Non-conforming / Non-binary / Gender Fluid
I - Intersex
Q - Queer
Q - Questioning
2S - Two Spirit
A - Asexual
P - Pansexual
If you don't know what something means - (politely) ask! Just keep in mind that an LGBTQ member is not obliged to be your educator or represent the entire community.
If you don't know what something means - (politely) ask! Just keep in mind that an LGBTQ member is not obliged to be your educator or represent the entire community.
LGBTQ+ History
Our educational system has, unfortunately, historically failed the LGBTQ movement, as mention of the community or its profound background remains largely missing. As my knowledge grows, I hope to grow this page to reflect the depths of the LGBTQ community.
I'm reminded of the old adage, It's okay to not know, it's not okay to not try. In this case, though, I would alter it to say, It's okay to not know, it's not okay to do nothing about it. Learning doesn't end with a diploma, but is an infinite condition of the human experience.
Billy Porter gives a brief history of queer political action
A short history of trans people's fight for equity
On Being An Ally
Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community
Want to be an ALLY?
Here's how you can use your heterosexual privilege to help the LGBTQ+ community achieve equity:
Awareness - Reflect on your personal differences and similarities to LGBTQ+ persons. You can actively cultivate this awareness by self-reflection, seminars and workshops, as well as talking to LGBTQ+ persons themselves. (Remember: It's not their inherent job to educate non-LGBTQ+ individuals, it is a choice - be respectful and gracious)
Self-Educate - Do your own research on local/federal policies, laws, and regulations that affect LGBTQ+ persons, as well as LGBTQ+ history. Be sure to explore the many different communities and cultures within the LGBTQ+ community.
Skills + Practice - This step uses the awareness you've cultivated and the knowledge you've gained together to communicate it to others. Now is the time to practice applying your awareness to real life.
Action - The most important and challenging step requires the previous experience to be put into conscious awareness surrounding LGBTQ+ persons and issues. To be an ally, you must consciously and continuously use your heterosexual privilege to lift those who's voices remain hushed.

Difficulties that may come with being an Ally:
It may make you unpopular among some heterosexuals.
Individuals might assume that you are coming out because you support LGBTQ+ rights.
You might be criticized for being involved in a cause that is thought to be "wrong" by some individuals.
Your friends or colleagues, who are uncomfortable with the topic, might become distant or disagree with you because you support LGBTQ+ individuals and rights.
Sometimes, because of past negative interactions with heterosexuals, even some LGBTQ+ individuals might question your motivations for being an ally.
5 Things You Should Know About Trans Persons
Not all trans people identify as male or female, for they identify in all different identities outside the gender binary.
Trans folks can have many different sexual orientations - gender identity and sexual orientation are separate concepts.
Trans people led the Stonewall riots. Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were two among many trans women of color who were on the front lines that infamous night in New York.
Not all trans individuals want surgery and even fewer get surgery.
The word "transgender" was popularized by activist Virginia Prince in 1969. She first published the word in the Dec. 1969 issue of Transvestia.
What Is It? | How can it be used?
priv·i·lege - a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group
For the use of this page, privilege is referred to in terms of sexual, affectional, and gender identity; types of privilege include but are not limited to: heterosexual privilege, homosexual privilege, monogamous privilege, cis privilege, and more.

Ally Exercise
Flipping The Script: Raising Your Awareness
From an online workshop provided by The Pennsylvania State University on power and privilege, linked here, consider the following statement and subsequent questions (Rochlin, M., 1989). Reflect upon your responses - mentally, physically, and emotionally - and journal your conclusions about the experience.
"While issues of privilege are now more recognizable with regard to sexual orientation, heterosexual individuals may still be biased with regard to whether or not lesbians and gays deserve the rights and protections they are seeking. Because they have the power to shape public policy, these biased views can greatly compound the lack of privilege that exists."
What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?
Is it possible your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?
Is it possible your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
If you have never slept with a person of the same sex, is it possible that all you need is a good gay lover?
Do your parents know that you are straight? Do your friends and/or roommate(s) know? how did they react?
Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who you are and keep it quiet?
Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?
Source: The Pennsylvania State University; Content authored by Audra Hixson and Dr. Peggy Lora
The Microagression Tsunami No One Is Talking About
Bisexual invisibility is one of many manifestations of biphobia. Other examples include:
Assuming that everyone you meet is either heterosexual or homosexual.
Automatically assuming romantic couplings of two women are lesbian, or two men are gay, or a man and a woman are heterosexual.
Thinking bisexual people haven't made up their minds.
Thinking bisexuals only have committed relationships with "opposite" sex/gender partners.
Thinking trans individuals can't be bisexual (or any other sexuality for that matter).
Being gay or lesbian and asking your bisexual friends about their lovers or whom they are dating only when that person is the "same" sex/gender.
Assuming bisexuals would be willing to "pass" as anything other than bisexual.
Assuming bisexuals are incapable of monogamy.
Feeling that bisexual people are too outspoken and pushy about their visibility and rights.
Not confronting a biphobic remark or joke for fear of being identified as bisexual.
Thinking that bisexual people will have their rights when lesbian and gay people win theirs.
Source: SF Human Rights Commission LGBT Advisory Committee
LGBTQ+ Community & Education
Advocate for Yourself or for Someone Else
5 Ways to Make Schools Safer for LGBTQ+ Students
For students AND educators.
Speak Out - Be an activist! Speak out when someone says something discriminatory towards the LGBTQ community.
Start an Inclusive Club On-Campus - Start a student group that promotes educational equity and creates a safe space for queer students at school - it can save lives.
(Note: GSA's should stand for Gender & Sexuality Alliance to be fully inclusive, or you can use the name Queer Student Alliance. Or get creative! Brainstorm and come up with your own - just remember to be inclusive of everyone. -
Educate Others - A teacher or classmate who simply knows about being LGBTQ can make a world of difference for students who are gender and sexual minorities. Schedule a conference with your teacher or classmate, or speak at faculty/district meetings about LGBTQ issues. This is a good one for those who are activism-inclined - making a difference starts local!
Host an LGBTQ+ Panel - Panels allow students and staff to directly ask important questions to people who can educate them.
Introduce a Trans-Inclusive Policy - Trans-friendly policies set fair guidelines for school staff members who may not know what to do otherwise. For more information, please visit transstudent.org/policy.
Source: Trans Student Educational Resources & It Gets Better Project
Know Your Rights
Trans + Non-Conforming Students:
You have the right to an equal education regardless of your gender identity or expression.
You have the right to not be harassed, victimized, or bullied because you are transgender or gender non-conforming. School faculty are obligated to take action against harassment, victimization, or bullying.
You have the right to wear clothing hairstyles and present yourself in a way that is consistent with your gender identity, as long as you follow rules for appropriate attire that apply to all students.
You have the right to privacy concerning your transgender and transition status.
You have the right to be free from sexual violence.